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Currently reading

The Turn of the Screw: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Peter G. Beidler, Henry James
Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Willa Cather
Larry McMurtry
Lord of the Changing Winds
Rachel Neumeier
Hyperion (Hyperion Series #1)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Mary Augusta Ward


Undeniable - Shannon Richard Really liked this one! Reminded me quite a bit of Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins.I'll definitely be keeping up with this series, I fell for the side characters too.

Searching for Someday

Searching for Someday - Jennifer Probst I loved the hell out of this book, seriously. Plus there was a PRECIOUS dog that I am still dying over. You guys gotta read this one!

Very Bad Things (Briarcrest Academy)

Very Bad Things - Ilsa Madden-Mills I'm waffling a little between 3 and 4 stars here...I really enjoyed most of the book, I might have even teared up a couple of times...but, ugh. I HATE super melodramatic declarations of love in public. Kinda blew the ending for me.
Ruined by a Rake: A Novella - Erin Knightley The first half was pretty good, but the end was RIDICULOUS. I actually snorted at how quickly the problems collapsed and the characters started swooning over each other.
Price of a Kiss - Linda Kage Seriously? There was Harry Potter bonding. It gets an extra star just for that. Plus - I seem to have a (literary) weakness for a nice reformed gigolo.

Blood Bound (Unbound) (An Unbound Novel)

Blood Bound (An Unbound Novel) - Rachel Vincent World building was great, and I enjoyed the main plot line. But the characters and their relationship arc? Not so much.

Mortal Arts

Mortal Arts - Anna Lee Huber The mystery and suspense weaved into the plot of Mortal Arts is far superior to the first book of the series, in my opinion. You guys, it is impossible not to become emotionally involved in the story. William, who has been locked away, is a former soldier suffering from PTSD in a time before it was recognized or understood. The combination of watching him suffer as well as seeing everyone around him at a total loss as to how to help? Heart wrenching, seriously. PTSD is still so misunderstood even today when it is possible to seek treatment – it must have been unbearable in 1830.Basically, if you’re a (intensely rabid) fan of Tasha Alexander and/or Deanna Raybourn like I am, you absolutely have to give Lady Darby a spin! Then we can join forces and demand the next installment by any means necessary…Check out my full review on the blog!

Again the Magic

Again The Magic - Lisa Kleypas I want to kick myself in the face for not reading this sooner, WOW.

The Anatomist's Wife

The Anatomist's Wife - Anna Lee Huber If you're already a fan of Deanna Raybourn and/or Tasha Alexander, this is another series for you!

Warm Up

Warm Up - Victoria Schwab I am so ready for Vicious!

Thankless in Death

Thankless in Death - J.D. Robb Treachery in Death has a pretty comfortable spot as my favorite of the series, but this is definitely my favorite installment in the 6 or so books since then.Eve had some developments in her life professionally that had me wanting to run a victory lap. Seriously, about time. Loved loved the scenes involving that - I'm not gonna lie, I teared up.Also, it was a Thanksgiving book and Nixie (from Survivor in Death almost 20 books ago) showed up for the holiday and gave Eve something that had me more than just tearing up. Sigh, I am such a goner over these characters.Full review to come!

A Little Too Far

A Little Too Far - Lisa Desrochers I'm not gonna lie - I really liked this one. One of the most addicting New Adults I've read to date.

Guilty as Sin

Guilty as Sin - Jami Alden Jami Alden is quickly becoming one of my go-to authors in this genre, she has yet to let me down!

Some Like It Spicy (A Perfect Recipe Novel) (Entangled Edge)

Some Like It Spicy (A Perfect Recipe #1) - Robbie Terman I wasn't really a fan of the writing, but I enjoyed the characters and plot!

Magic Rises: A Kate Daniels Novel

Magic Rises -  Ilona Andrews This series continues to be awesome. Six books in and I still can't wait for the next one!

The Wicked Wallflower

The Wicked Wallflower - Maya Rodale Really enjoyed this! And I'm very enthused by the prospect of a contemporary version being published...bring it on, I say!