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Currently reading

The Turn of the Screw: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Peter G. Beidler, Henry James
Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Willa Cather
Larry McMurtry
Lord of the Changing Winds
Rachel Neumeier
Hyperion (Hyperion Series #1)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Mary Augusta Ward

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson Series #1)

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson Series #1) - This series has some major potential! Although, I swear I was only planning on giving it 3 stars until (no lie) the very last paragraph. It made me laugh, what can I say?I really like Mercedes, she isn't bitchy, whiny or too sure of herself (which, in other words, means she isn't Anita Blake). Plus Adam is pretty hot and I'm curious to see where that goes.All the secondary characters are great too! Adam's daughter, Stefan the vampire, and Warren-another werewolf. Enjoying all these characters gives me hope that this is the beginning of a very enjoyable series!