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The Turn of the Screw: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Peter G. Beidler, Henry James
Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Willa Cather
Larry McMurtry
Lord of the Changing Winds
Rachel Neumeier
Hyperion (Hyperion Series #1)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Mary Augusta Ward


Unveiled - I don’t know why it took me so long to pick up Unveiled by Courtney Milan. I’ve heard basically nothing but fantastic things about it. I’m happy to say that I am no exception! Unveiled completely hooked me in and I have a lot of emotions invested into the Turner brothers. Have no doubt: this is a series I will continue.Margaret doesn’t even need to meet Ash. She already hates him. He has maneuvered her family into being disinherited. He plans to take her father’s place as Duke. She and her brothers will just be forced to make their way in the world with next to nothing. So – yeah. You could say she is a little pissed.Of course, you know there are two sides to every story. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems in the beginning. Separate and apart from the fact that Ash had his reasons for doing what he did – Margaret can’t seem to make herself hate him. Before she even gets to know him in Unveiled, she is drawn to him. How on earth is she supposed to unearth his faults so that her family can take back what is rightfully theirs?Y’all, don’t get me wrong here. I liked Margaret. She didn’t particularly stand out to me – but I liked her. But let me tell you: I loved Ash. Loyal, strong, determined, sensitive…he is the full package. Better yet: he does have faults. I couldn’t dream up a better character if I tried. Courtney Milan nailed it! Check this out:“Miss Lowell, you magnificent creature, I want you to paint your own canvas. I want you to unveil yourself.”What could possibly be hotter in a Regency hero than actually wanting his women to be fierce and independent? You tell me, because I can’t think of anything better.Also great is his absolute devotion to his brothers. Seriously, there was a scene close to the end of Unveiled between Ash and younger brother Mark that had me choking up big-time. I dare you not to do the same.Basically, Unveiled is a book you have to read for yourself. Ash is worth meeting, so don’t miss out!