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The Turn of the Screw: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Peter G. Beidler, Henry James
Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Willa Cather
Larry McMurtry
Lord of the Changing Winds
Rachel Neumeier
Hyperion (Hyperion Series #1)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Mary Augusta Ward

Twice Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires Series #3)

Twice Bitten - Chloe Neill Just thinking about this book....I want to pick it up and reread it. That slow build up between Merit and Ethan that I talked about in my first two reviews? (Check them out here and here.)Yeah. All I'm going to say is...WORTH. THE. WAIT. All kinds of hot. By the time some (I repeat: some) of the walls come down - I was so emotionally invested in their relationship that I about melted into a puddle of joy when progress was finally made. (Don't expect a happy ending though...just saying.)Anyway, besides the hotness...this was also the best so far as far as the action goes. Instead of a ton of vampire drama (although there is still that, of course)...we add in shifter drama. Merit and Ethan get in way over their heads and it is both exhilarating and hilarious to see them fight their way through the novel.This is far and away my favorite of the series thus far, and if Neill keeps getting better and better, this is going to be one of the best paranormal series out there! (Well, it already is actually - but I needed to make a dramatic statement to get my point across.)Do yourself a favor and check this series out. If you like paranormal novels, have ever considered liking paranormal novels, or hell...if you know how to read - you will fall in love with these characters.