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The Turn of the Screw: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Peter G. Beidler, Henry James
Sapphira and the Slave Girl
Willa Cather
Larry McMurtry
Lord of the Changing Winds
Rachel Neumeier
Hyperion (Hyperion Series #1)
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Anne Brontë, Mary Augusta Ward

Binding the Shadows

Binding the Shadows - Jenn Bennett Binding the Shadows by Jenn Bennett is one of my most anticipated releases of 2013. The kind of anticipate where a crazed book hoarder such as myself goes slightly insane and waits up until the pre-ordered title shows up on my Kindle the night of its release (11:13 PM in this case, if you’re curious). I then proceeded to rip through it like the freak that I am. What can I say? I love me some Arcadia Bell.So yeah, Binding the Shadows is the third book in the Arcadia Bell series. To be honest, I’ve only read the first two books (plus the semi-recent novella) once, so my memory on the exact points was a little shaky. Demons and magic and tiki bars, oh my. It took me a few pages to catch up with the world – the CRAZED world – of Arcadia and her super sexy boyfriend Lon. Now LON, I remembered just fine. *creepy eyebrow wiggle* Plus, he has a teenage son Jupe, who has to be the coolest kid ON THE PLANET. No kidding, next time I have the opportunity to name a pet? Jupe for the win.Check out the rest of my review on the blog!